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Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Wraparound Care

Early Birds and Badgers

Here at St Botolph’s we are delighted to be able to offer before-school and after-school care for your children.


Early Birds runs from 7.30am and includes Breakfast, the cost for this is £5.80 per day or 8.05 am to 8.45 am the cost for this is £3 per day (no breakfast included).


Badgers runs from 3.10 pm to 5.30 pm. The cost for this provision is £7 per day. A healthy snack is provided.


Activities include making crafts, board games, jigsaws, colouring and drawing, construction toys such as Lego and K-Nex, role play such as doctors and kitchen set, outside play including trim trail, cars and trains sets and much, much more.


The clubs are open to all children from Foundation to Year Six. We endeavour to accommodate all requests, whether you require places every day or just once in a while.  


To enquire or book a place please email

Contact Number :- 07936 497171