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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

W/B 30.3.20

English Tasks


Task 1

Robin Hood character profile:

- Draw a picture of Robin Hood

- Write 3 adjectives that describe him

- Write a sentence to explain what he did

- Using ‘because’ explain, was he a good or a bad character?


Task 2

Look outside, Spring is here! Write some sentences about the Spring season.


Task 3

Read the information about Springtime then have a go at answering some comprehension questions.


Task 4 - Handwriting

Practice writing the letters ‘r’ and ‘n’ using the cursive style. Can you join to write the words ‘there’ and ‘one’?


Task 5 - SPAG

Using exclamation marks. Complete the sentences using a full stop or an exclamation mark.