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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Pupil Testimonial

"St Botolph’s is an amazing school. All the teachers are fair. They support me in the classroom and around the school, I love it here."



Staff Testimonial

"I love the school as much now as I did when I first walked through the doors. It has an unmissable friendly feeling as soon as you walk into it, that everyone comments on. It has it’s challenges, as does every school, but we all work together (office staff, support staff and teachers) to do the absolute best for each and every one of the amazing children that we teach. Working as a team, it never feels like you are alone. I have never met a more pro-active and passionate team. It really is a fabulous school and I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of it!"



Parent Testimonial

"Not one day in his 6 years at St Botolph’s has our son said he doesn’t want to go to school. This, as parents, speaks volumes and proves how happy he is."



OFSTED Testimonial

"Leaders have created an ethos where the school’s Christian values are at the heart of everything. The language of these values is evident in the environment and in all conversations between adults and pupils. In the weekly celebration assembly, ‘Christian values’ awards are presented for ‘living out’ a particular value.


Leaders are ambitious and have high expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum provides pupils with a range of experiences and trips to enhance their learning experiences. These often involve visits within the local community. 


Pupils behave well in lessons and show positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils understand what bullying is, including cyber-bullying. Pupils feel that bullying happens rarely but share that if it does happen, it is dealt with effectively by staff. 


Pupils show great pride in the extra responsibilities they are given. ‘History ambassadors’, ‘collective worship doves’ and ‘reading ambassadors’ have a voice in whole school matters. 

Leaders have created an ethos where the school’s Christian values are at the heart of everything. The language of these values is evident in the environment and in all conversations between adults and pupils. In the weekly celebration assembly, ‘Christian values’ awards are presented for ‘living out’ a particular value".