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Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year Five.

'Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.'


The Year Five Team

5a Teachers - Mrs. Wright (Deputy Headteacher) & Mrs Eastwood (Thurs&Fri pms)

5b teacher – Miss Jones

Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Mrs Clawson

Intervention TA - Mrs Ryan (Tuesday, Thursday & Friday)

1:1 Teaching Assistants - Mrs Ryan, Miss Tyler, Miss Butler,

Miss Giglio, Mrs Somma

Science (Wednesday morning) Mrs Eastwood and Mrs Main



Useful Information

PE - Thursday 2 sessions will be taught on this day. PE bags will be sent home weekly to be washed. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school ready for the PE session on a Thursday. 


Reading Diaries - Reading diaries should be in school every day. Please ensure that you sign the reading record every time your child reads. Children need to read at least three times a week. 


Class Book: Rescue by David Long


If you have any problems or questions, please do get in contact via 'Class Dojo'. We are more than happy to help!


Homework in Year Five

On a weekly basis, we expect the children to complete the following activities:


  • Reading – Daily for 10 minutes
  • Times Tables Rockstars – 20 minutes over the course of a week in the ‘Garage’ section.
  • Spellings – a weekly spelling rule will be sent out via Class Dojo.
  • Maths/English homework will be set weekly on Seesaw.


If there are any other activities that are set, we will inform you through ‘Seesaw’ and ‘Class Dojo’.



Terms Five and Six

  • English: Term 5 begins with a poem - The Listeners by Walter De La Mare. We will discuss some of the themes in the poem and then write a diary entry in the role as the mysterious traveller. We will then look at the Grimm fairy tales and retell them from the villains point of view. In Term 6 we will be reading Holes and all our English work will be linked to this fantastic book.
  • Maths:
    This term our focus will be on covering key Maths content that the children will need in order to progress. These topics will include:
    Decimals – Adding and subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places and with a different number of decimal places.
    Properties of shapes –Identifying angles, comparing and ordering angles, measuring angles, drawing lines and angles, calculating angles and polygons.
    Position and direction – Describe position, draw on a grid, translation, rotation, reflection and symmetry.
    Converting units – kilometres, kilograms, millimetres, millilitres, metric units, imperial units, converting time and times tables.
  • Area and perimeter - finding the area and perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes.
  • Volume - understanding what is meant by volume and learning how to calculate the volume of a cuboid. 
  • History: How did the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons battle for the Kingdom of England? We will continue to explore the impact of Viking settlement with a particular focus on York. We will examine a range of sources and use them to create and evaluate hypotheses such as 'Were the Vikings just vicious raiders'. We will conclude the term by exploring how Ivor the Boneless overcame is difficulties to become a key Viking frigure, before exmaining the legacy that the Vikings have left behind. 
  • Geography: We are learning about Greece, focusing on Athens. We will compare the life of a child in Athens to our own lives. 
  • DT: Can I make a moving mechanism? We will explore how CAMs can be used to convert rotary motion into linear motion and examine how the shape of the CAM affects the motion. Once we have mastered these skills and made prototypes we will put our new skills to the test by creating a moving toy for EYFS.
  • RE: How do religious and non-religious people express their views creatively? We will answer this question by looking at architecture, art, drama, sculpture, music and dance. We will then use what we have learnt to create an entry for the Natre Spirited Arts competition.
  • Music: All the learning this term is focused around one song: Dancing in the Street by Martha and the Vandellas. We will use the glockenspiel to accompany the song record our own Bowie/Jagger remix!
  • Computing:  Can I use vector drawing to create an image? We will be learning and recognising that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines. Can I use selection in quizzes? We will continue to develop our programming skills using Scratch. We will learn how to write programs that ask questions and use our new skills to design a quiz.
  • French: In Term 5 we will be learning how to tell someone which pets we have in French and what their name is. We will use the conjunction 'mais' to extend our sentences by saying which pets we do not have. In Term 6 we are focusing on clothes. We will learn how to say what clothes we wear in different situations.


Important Dates:

Tuesday 18th April - Lincoln Castle Trip

Friday 5th May - King's Coronation Celebrations (non-uniform)

Monday & Monday 1st & 8th May - bank holidays

Tuesday 4th July - Sculpture day (wear old clothes)

Wednesday 5th July - Sports Day 

Monday 10th July - HSBC ~ handling money workshop

Friday 14th July - Afterschool film & quiz 3:10-5:30 - Holes (optional)

Friday 21st July - Last day of term. 

Monday 17th and 24th April and Monday 15th and 22nd May 11+ club (3:10-4:00)