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Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Year 2

Summer Term - Home Learning 



Helpful Home Learning Websites

BBC Bitesize Lessons


In addition to the above home learning tasks, BBC Bitesize will also be launching online lessons beginning on the 20th April. This may provide a great alternative for some of you. This will be available via the link below.

Online Classroom

Oak National Academy have also launched an online classroom in conjunction with the DfE. This has some great lessons for both maths and English, as well as covering the foundation subjects and is completely free to use.

Welcome to Year 2!


Hello and welcome to year 2.

Take a look below at some of our learning in year two - you will find lots of information about our exciting topics and pictures of what we have been getting up to. If you need any extra information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us - we will be more than happy to help!


Class Teachers

2A Miss Arthur

2B Mrs Thompson


Support staff

Mrs Zealand

Mrs Capon

Mrs Gaskin


Our topics this year...

The Lost World

Remember Remember

The Big Smoke

Cracking Contraptions


Finding Neverland


Reminders and useful information

PE - This term we have an indoor PE on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Friday. All children will need school shorts and t-shirt for indoor PE and trainers and a jumper for outdoor PE.


Homework - The children will receive a homework menu at the start of each term. The children will be required to complete their homework in their homework books and return it on a Wednesday. Homework books will then be handed out again on Friday ready to complete the task for the following week.


Reading - Please listen to your child read and help us to encourage the love of reading. Each class has a reward chart with prizes to encourage the children to read as much as possible. Children can change their books as regularly as they are reading so please put your books in the basket to be changed any day of the week.


Times Tables - In year 2, we will be focusing on the 10, 5, 2 and 3 times tables. Please practise these with your children at home. We will be testing the children on these throughout the year. Your child will also receive a login for Timestable Rockstars, a fun and competitive way of practising too!


Spellings - The children are working hard to learn how to spell the common exception words for year 2. Please see a list of these at the bottom of the page and in your child's homework book. We will be sending a selection of these words home on a regular basis to support your child. These will be words that we have focused on in school so they should be familiar to your child. 


The year 2 team thank you for your continued support.


Dates for your diary

Class Photographs - 12th March

Sports Relief - 13th March