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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

What's in the egg?

Week 1

What a busy first week we have had! The children have enjoyed learning about farm animals, in preparation for our school trip this week. They have understood how to care for animals and found out all about the correct names for baby animals. In maths,  we have been learning all about number 9 and the children have been making lots of links with other numbers covered so far. Shrove Tuesday was full of excitement, as the children made their own pancakes. They could choose their own toppings and it was no surprise that chocolate was the favourite!

The highlight of the week was our visit to Rand Farm Park. The rain held off and the children were beautifully behaved. Activities there, consisted of feeding the animals, including baby lambs and holding a chick. We watched a cow being milked and had a great time riding in a tractor trailer. What a lovely day!

Week 2

This week, we have been looking at animals on the farm, that hatch out of an egg. We realised that they were all birds. So,  for our topic work, we have been studying the features of birds. The children have been learning the names of different birds and we found out that some birds don't fly!

In English, we have been learning how to write words in a list and the children completed work on this, independently.

When we looked at the lifecycle of a chicken, the children could use their knowledge from the farm trip,  to sequence pictures and many could  use  the correct vocabulary. 

Continuing with number 9, we have been looking at different ways to make 9. The children explored how many ways they could find and then we worked systematically, to check that we had found all of the ways.


                                                Week 3


This week, we have moved away from looking at birds and started to look at other animals that lay eggs. The children were very excited, as we had some visitors in class - some tiny caterpillars!

We are going to keep them in the classroom, to study their transformation into butterflies.

This has all led to us  studying the story of The Hungry Caterpillar in our English lessons. As well as learning about the  life cycle of a caterpillar, we have also focused on days of the week.

In their reading  sessions, the children matched the vocabulary to pictures and this enabled them to write about the life cycle independently.

In number, we had the introduction of number 10. They enjoyed finding out about this new numberblock and linking their previous knowledge, to order numbers to 10.

As we move through the  next few weeks,  we are sure that the children will keep you informed about the  caterpillar progress.