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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Term One - Incredible Me

Term One


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?'s Superman!

This term,  in addition to settling into our new classroom and getting to know each other, we will become Superheroes! We have some super activities planned to develop our curriculum skills including labelling superheroes, painting portraits, carrying out Superhero missions and role playing in the Superhero Headquarters- how exciting! We will also be having a WOW day to celebrate this topic later in the term.


Dates for your Diary:

4th September: First day at school

23rd September: Year 1 Open Evening after school in classrooms - 3pm

10th October: World Mental Health Day

17th October: WOW Day - Children can come to school dressed as superheroes!

18th October: Last day of term


29th October: Back to school - Term 2 starts


Week 5:

We have had a busy few weeks settling into our new classroom, taking part in a classroom hunt to find out where things are and enjoying our lessons. In English, we have learned about labels, lists and captions. We labelled Batman and Superman, using adjectives to describe what he wears. We followed a list to make a handprint superhero and these are on display in our classroom. This week, we have started to learn about captions and we wrote sentences about pictures from The Incredibles film. In Maths, we have started our Maths No Problem lessons and working really well at trying to be independent. We are learning about numbers to 10 and number bonds. Next, we will be using this knowledge to begin adding numbers to 10 in lots of ways. In Art, we have created beautiful self-portraits of ourselves and used oil pastels. Then, we learned about the style of Picasso and rearranged our pictures, using bold and bright paint. Please scroll down to see pictures from some of our learning in our Photo Gallery. 


Week 6:

This week, we have been learning about addition to 10 in Maths and learning different ways to add 2 numbers, including adding by counting on and adding by using number bonds. In English, we had an exciting Incredibles mission to write about! We spent lots of time talking and practising holding our sentence in our heads. In Geography, we learned about the four countries in the United Kingdom and labelled a map of the UK. Next week, we will continue our Geography learning to learn about the capital cities and the seas surrounding the UK.