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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Information for Parents

What will you need to provide for your child when they attend Forest School


Depending on the time of year your child will need:


  • Clothes for the cold weather including hat, scarf and gloves. A thick pair of socks, a fleece and jogging bottoms, all to be worn over school uniform.
  • A pair of named wellies that can be kept in school for the duration of their time in Forest School 
  • 1 bag with spare change of clothes in, which needs to include trousers, t-shirt, jumper and socks. This will be in case they get wet.
  • Sunhat, sun cream (to be applied before school)


Please can all items be named.


We will provide waterproof trouser overalls.