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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Our Christian Values

Christian Values at St Botolph's C of E Primary School


“Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all their life”.

Proverbs 22:6


 Collective Worship Co-ordinator - Miss Sarah Beckett
Collective Worship Governor - Rev. Rebecca Rock
Foundation Governor - Ian Freeman


St Botolph’s Church of England Primary School’s aim is to love life, embrace challenges and be the best we can. Our Christian Values are at the heart of our school. 

'Through our commitment to Christian values and secure relationships we will nurture, support and empower each other.'


Every child at our school is valued and encouraged. We recognise that all children have potential and do our best to provide a caring, supportive environment in which they can learn and develop. 


We are a church school - what does that mean?

As a church school, St Botolph's aims to develop its religious character by taking into account the principles of the Church of England and promoting Christian Values through the experiences that we offer to all our pupils.
Our Christian Values

Our values are taken from the Bible and they are at the heart of our school. At St Botolph's we embrace the following Christian Values. 

Compassion - 'Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.' Ephesians 4:32


Friendship - 'A friend loves at all times.' Proverbs 17:17


Truthfulness - 'The truth will set you free.' John 8:32


Thankfulness - 'No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.' Thessalonians 5:18


Perseverance - 'I can do all things through him who strengthens me.' Phillipians 4:13


Respect -  'Do to others what you would have them do to you.' Matthew 7:12


For some ideas about supporting these Christian Values at home, please see the links at the bottom of the page.



Our Acts of Collective Worship

Our daily acts of Christian Collective Worship play a central role in the life of St Botolph’s. They provide us with valuable opportunities to reflect upon our Christian Values and ethos. It offers important opportunities to strengthen our sense of community, belonging and inclusiveness and to reinforce the respect and care we have for each other. Through collective worship we make a significant contribution to the religious, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of those present.

We regularly have Worships led by members of the Sleaford Clergy as well as New Life Church.


Here at St Botolph's we work in partnership with St Botolph's Church and vicar Reverend Rebecca Rock.


On a Friday we enjoy our whole school celebration assembly where 3 children from each class receive certificates, a Headteacher's Award to celebrate outstanding learning, a Christian Values award for a child that has been going 'above and beyond' in demonstrating one of our school values and a Reading Award. 
Each year we hold a Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Easter and Leaver's Service. These services are led by the children with input from the local church.  


Our Christian School


  • Our school entrance hall clearly displays the Christian symbols that encapsulate our school including a large cross and reflective paintings. We also have wall art showing St Botolph's Church.
  • Each classroom has an area for Christian spiritual reflection and a Cross designed by the children. The value for the term is displayed in each classroom.
  • The centrepiece of our wonderful atrium is a font. We display objects on our font to remind us of our Christian Value. Our Christian Values are also shown through some beautiful wall art.
  • Our school hall, where we regularly meet for Worship has a large, colourful cross and artefacts such as a candle used to aid worship. We also have Wall Art representing The Creation Story and Noah's Ark.
  • We use cloths to represent the liturgical calendar and mark important times in the church year.



Christian Values Awards


Each week, as part of our Friday Celebration Assembly, we hand out a Christian Values Award. School staff choose children from each class who have really 'lived out' a particular Christian Value that week. Well done to all of the children - you make us so proud!



Collective Worship Gallery