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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Year Two Assessments


In Year Two, the teachers are responsible for judging the standards the children are working at in English reading, writing, mathematics and science. To help inform these judgements, we will carry out assessments three times per year (autumn, spring and summer). During the summer term, we have chosen to use the optional Standard Attainment Tests (SAT'S) for KS1. Attached below is an informative booklet, (produced by Standards & Testing Agency) that you may find helpful.


The tests are a tool for teachers to help measure the children’s performance and to identify their needs as they move into Key stage Two. The tests are also used to see how the children are performing against national expected standards.


Our children may not even know that they are doing formal assessments as we incorporate them into everyday classroom activities. The tests are carried out in a familiar setting with a familiar adult in a friendly way- stress free!


Below are the papers that will be carried out during the school year:


  • English reading – short text and questions and long text and questions
  • Mathematics – artithmatic and mathematical reasoning
  • SPAG - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Once the tests are complete, the teachers will use the results, along with work the children have done throughout the year, to help us to reach judgements about how the children are progressing at the end of Key Stage One. These judgements will be reported to you, the parents, in the end of year, summer reports.


In addition to a formal assessment, the children's reading will be assessed every 6-8 weeks to ensure that they are reading the correct books band. The way the children read, their fluency, will be assessed alongside their reading comprehension and how many words they can read in a minute. All of these elements will help to decide which book band is best suited to them.