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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Year 3

Home Learning


Hi Everyone,


We hope you are all ok and still smiling. Unfortunately, the nasty virus has made it into year 3, but that’s not going to stop us learning and being happy.


We will be providing you will work for the next three days. These tasks will be uploaded to the website, paper packs for Thursday and Friday will also be available from school for collection.


We have done some wonderful work this term and we can’t wait to see all your fantastic work from home.


Please see an outline of the work for today and the tasks attached.


Keep smiling and stay safe,


Miss Hovey & Miss Woodcock

Welcome to Year 3!


Hello and welcome to our Year 3 page.

On here you will find information about our exciting learning, pictures of some of things we have been up to and lots of other useful information. 


Your Year 3 Team


Miss Woodcock - Teacher 3A

Miss Hovey - Teacher 3B

Mrs Georgiou - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Capon - 1:1/Intervention Teaching Assistant (3A) 

Mrs Gaskin - 1:1 Teaching Assistant (3B)

Mrs Main - Science Teacher

Mrs Eastwood - Science Teacher


Learning Focus


Term 1



 Fabulous Felines

Little People Big Dreams 



The Stone Age



Climate Zones




Term 1 - We will be going to Wild Woodcraft to support our History focus of The Stone Age. Please see the itinerary and the letter below.



Term 2 - TBC


Term 3 - TBC





Homework will be given out on a Friday and it is expected to be returned on the following Thursday.


Ideally, children will be reading nightly, please could parents/guardians sign their child's diary upon completion of any reading of their reading book. This would help us to keep track of any reading outside of school.  


The homework will also be uploaded onto the website on a Friday.



Both classes will participate in two outdoor PE session per week. Please could you ensure that your child has the correct kit, please see the front of their reading diaries if you have any queries re PE kit.. Currently, children will need to attend school in their PE kits on the days they have PE. For term 1, this is Tuesday and Thursday. 


Trainers rather than plimsolls are advisable for outdoor PE as we will be on the school courts and maybe field. Therefore, they may need to bring a change of shoes for the rest of the day weather permitting.


Children will be taking part in the daily mile. They will not need to bring in additional P.E kit for this and it will take place throughout the normal daily timetable.