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Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Cold Places

Happy New Year!!!


Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa bought you everything you wanted :) 


We can't wait to kick off the new year with this exciting topic. This term we will be learning about the Arctic and Antarctic. We will learn about the climate, animals and people in the coldest places on Earth!

Week 1

What a busy first week we have had! We are all very excited about coming back to school, catching up with our friends and telling everyone about our wonderful Christmases!


This week we have been learning about Epiphany. We learnt all about Russia and the tale of Babushka. We listened to the story of Babushka and talked about what happened to her and the type of person that Babushka was. We used this information to write our own Babushka sentences.


In Maths, we have begun our learning about the number 6. We have learnt to recognise the number, count 6 objects, recognise when there is 6 and not 6, form the number 6 and place the number 6 on a blank number line.



Week 2

Despite the very mild weather, this week we have been learning all about winter. We talked about the signs of winter and tried to find as many as we could whilst learning outside. We all enjoyed observing the ice cubes in the curiosity cube and discussed their different melting times and why.


In English, we have been learning all about labels. We then used our phonic knowledge to label a winter picture. 

We have started our handwriting sessions and have started learning about 'Harriet' letters. They are tall letters. We are trying so hard to remember our 'whooshes and flicks' and to keep our writing on the line.


In Maths, we have continued our learning about the number 6. We have investigated number bonds to make 6 and have begun to find all of the ways to make 6 in a systematic way. We linked our number learning to shape and now know that a hexagon has 6 sides and 6 corners. We also discovered that there are hexagons on footballs, in bees wax and on the bottom of pencils!

Week 3

We can't believe we are already half way through this term! We are having such fun in Foundation and this week was incredible!


This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have learnt about the tradition of Chinese New Year and how people prepare for and celebrate Chinese New Year. We then prepared our classroom for Chinese New Year. We tidied the classroom and decorated it with the beautiful lanterns we made. During PE, we thought about the dragon dancing and had a wonderful morning learning how to dance like a dragon. We used what we had learnt from the Chinese New Year Legend to scare the dragon away using loud music and brightly coloured scarves to represent the fire.

We had a family feast together to end the celebration and ate the prawn crackers and noodles that we made. It was delicious!


Week 4

What an exciting week we have had! This week, we have been learning all about the polar regions. We have watched video clips and read lots of information from different sources. We have looked at maps of the world and globes. We have learnt lots about the Arctic and Antarctica. We were fascinated to learn that polar bears and penguins don't live in the same place. Polar bears live in the Arctic and penguins live in Antarctica.


In Maths this week, we have continued our learning about the number 7 and have begun to think about all of the different ways we can make 7. We learnt that there are 8 ways to make 7.


In English this week, we have continued learning about labels. We have used our sounds to help us label different parts of Arctic animals. In handwriting, we have started learning about Georgia Pig's letter family. We know they are the round letter family and that they are shorter than Harriet Cow's letter family.



Week 5

We love our topic! This week, we have been learning all about polar animals. Our favourites are definitely penguins and polar bears. We have learnt about where they live and how they are adapted to their habitat. We talked about their similarities and their differences too.


In Maths this week, we have begun to learn about the number 8. Numberblock 8 is a superhero - we are really enjoying looking at Octoblock. Did you know, oct means 8? We made links to an octagon and an octopus.


As part of our English learning, we have designed and labelled an Inuit sled. We will make our sleds over two weeks and ensure that we are using all of the features of a sled in our own designs.



Week 6

We can't believe how quickly this term has flown by! We finished off our polar topic by learning about the people who live in the Arctic. We have enjoyed discussing the similarities and differences between ourselves and the Inuit people. We were very keen to try an Inuit hobby ourselves - throat singing!


In Maths this week, we have continued our learning all about the number 8. We have explored all of the different ways to make 8. Did you know, there are 9 ways to make 8? We then linked our learning of the number to a shape and discussed the properties of an octagon.


We really enjoyed creating our Inuit sled and even made our own modifications, such a lights!

A big thank you for all of your support this half term. We hope that the  children have a well deserved rest over the half term holiday.