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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Emotional, Social and Mental Wellbeing

Emotional, Social and Mental Wellbeing

We feel that nurturing the emotional, social and mental wellbeing of our school community is vital for helping each other flourish.


Activity Ideas

To help promote mindfulness and wellbeing, there are lots of activities to do beyond colouring books and deep breathing.


The Positive Psychology Program website has a range of suggestions.


Your Therapy Source has some good ideas and Big Life Journal has a variety of free resources and information available.


Apps for Adults and Children

  • Headspace (Free Trial)
  • WorryTime (Free)
  • Chill Panda (Free)

A range of other apps recommended by the NHS can be found at NHS Apps Library


Useful links

Here are a number of websites and resources (for both adults and children) which look to promote emotional, social and mental wellbeing.

Additional Needs

Here are some websites with more support for families with additional needs.

We can also support you with information on local parenting classes. Please ask in school.