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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Geography at St Botolph's C of E Primary School:

Geography Lead: Miss Hann

Geography Governor: Mrs West

The Intent:

To instil and encourage a natural curiosity and fascination about our local environment and the world to develop knowledge of places, investigate patterns and use geographical thinking to feel connected to our ever-changing world.


At St Botolph’s, we want our children to ‘strive to be the best they can’. Geography is relevant to our ever-changing world; we want our children to be inspired by this and to feel confident to question and discuss issues. In our diverse society, children need to understand other people and cultures more than ever before. Our intent is to instil and encourage a natural curiosity and fascination about the world to promote an interest of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments alongside a secure understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Through revisiting these areas in our spiral curriculum, children will remember more, know more and understand more. It is essential that we give the children opportunities to grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children can develop in these areas as they learn Geography through practical experiences in preparation for exploring the world.



Our Curriculum:

We have used a combination of curriculum approaches to develop our Geography curriculum including The National Curriclum, Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum and the e-learning resource Oddizzi. Oddizzi is a useful teaching tool which provides children with a range of learning approaches to develop their geographical understanding. There are videos, images, text, guided reading texts and quizzes which show the children the world through the eyes of people who are passionate about the places they are sharing. We use Digimap for Schools as an additional online mapping resource.


Feel free to explore our Oddizzi and Digimap resources through the links below:

For more in depth details on our Geography curriculum, please see the Geography Policy, long term plan and updates below.

Geography Documents
Useful Websites