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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Welcome to the Maths Page!

Maths Co-ordinators: Miss Z Whetton & Miss K Stewart,
Governor:  Ian Freeman


At St Botolph’s we want to develop curious mathematicians who can spot patterns, make connections, whilst also be able to express their justifications.  Therefore, we aim to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. The three aims of the National Curriculum (fluency, reasoning and problem solving) are addressed during every mathematics lesson. 

We promote a growth mindset and believe that all children can get better at maths when they put in the effort and work at it.  Our teaching focuses on depth of understanding and we ensure that learning always builds on prior knowledge. We believe that our approach to teaching maths will enhance understanding, enjoyment and achievement for every child. 

Since September 2016, we have used the Maths No Problem Scheme to support our delivery of the National Curriculum objectives.  We wholeheartedly believe that this method will provide a consistent approach to teaching maths across our school as it is underpinned by a methodical curriculum design that spirals and builds upon prior learning. Crucially, ideas are revisited at higher levels as the curriculum spirals through the years.


We are delighted that this year, Miss Whetton will  continue her role as a Primary Maths Specialist.  Again, she will be working closely with the East Midlands East (EME) Maths Hub.  This is an exciting role that involves her working with other schools, promoting mastery maths and sharing her expertise. 


There are lots of links and documents below where you can find out more about maths at St Botolph’s and also information on how to support your child with their mathematics skills.


Long Term Plans

Written Calculation Policy

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