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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Welcome to the Governors' section!


St Botolph’s Primary School Governing Body


The Governing body of St Botolph’s re-constituted with effect from 11 August 2015.


The instruments of government states that the governing body shall consist of:


  • 4 parent governors
  • 1 local authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 3 foundation governors
  • 4 co-opted governors


St Botolph’s Governing Body 2022/2023

Mr. Ian Freeman - Chair of Governors/ Co-opted Governor - email


Vacancy - Co-opted

Vacancy - Foundation

Vacancy - Ex Officio

Vacancy - Parent Governor 

Mr. Will Newham - Parent Governor 

Mr. Mark Graves - Local Authority Governor 

Mrs. Katie West - Staff Governor 

Mrs. Debbie Wilson - Headteacher

Rev. Rebecca Rock - Foundation Governor

Mrs. Mandy Wright - Co-opted Governor

Mr. Joe Lee - Co-opted Governor

Mrs Marissa Jones - Parent Governor

Mr Gareth Hughes - Parent Governor


Finance Committee

Mr. Mark Graves - Chair

Mr. Joe Lee

Mr. Ian Freeman

Mrs. Marissa Jones

Mrs. Debbie Wilson


Curriculum Committee

Mr. Ian Freeman - Chair

Mr Gareth Hughes

Mr. Will Newham

Mrs. Katie West

Mrs. Mandy Wright

Mrs. Debbie Wilson

Rev. Rebecca Rock


Pay Committee

Mr. Ian Freeman

Mr. Joe Lee


Discipline Committee

Mr. Ian Freeman

Mr. Mark Graves


Exclusions and Attendance Committee

Mr. Ian Freeman

Mr. Joe Lee



Clerk to Governors - Mrs. Julie James
