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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Rhyme Time

Term One

Rhyme Time


Twinkle Twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?


Over the course of this topic, we will focus on a different nursery rhyme each week including incy wincy spider, humpty dumpty and Miss Polly had a Doll. 

Week 1


What a super first week we have all had! The children have settled in really beautifully and we are already so very proud of them.


We have enjoyed making new friends and learning with all of the wonderful toys we have in our classroom. The children are beginning to learn the school rules and routines. Hopefully they are coming home and singing some of the new songs they have learnt too.

Week 2


I'm a little teapot short and stout...


This week we have been focusing on the nursery rhymes I'm a little teapot and head, shoulders, knees and toes.


This week has been a week of firsts...first afternoon of learning, our first phonics lesson and our first full week in Foundation!


In phonics, the children have been learning all about listening! We have talked about which part or our body we use to listen and how we can show that we are listening. We have been learning about different sounds and have loved making sounds with musical instruments and using different parts of our bodies to make sounds too!


We have continued our learning on how to use our classroom and all of the wonderful toys in it. Our favourite so far is the outdoor obstacle course!


With the help of Mrs Ford and Mrs Atkin, the children have been thinking about what they look like. They have been looking in the mirror at themselves and their friends. They then used this knowledge to paint their own self portrait. They are beautiful and will brighten up our display in the corridor!

Week  3

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


We have had a lovely week with the  children. They have settled down to activities really quickly and been showing us that they are enjoying their learning.

The focus this week has been "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." We have sang this beautifully, with accompanying instruments. The theme in the classroom has been space, where the children have been using the story "Whatever Next, " to create their own rocket stories. They were also encouraged to create their own rockets outside, using the construction.

We were all very excited to take  part in our first PE lesson this week! All of the children listened carefully to the instructions and loved joining in with the  games in the hall. It has been lovely weather this week for our outdoor PE and the children have used the  bikes and trikes, as well as a variety of PE equipment. 



Week 4


Five little men in a flying saucer...


Wow! What an amazing week we have had this week. We have really enjoyed learning about this nursery rhyme. There are a lot of children in Foundation who would like to astronauts when they are older!


In English, we have been thinking about aliens! We noticed some aliens had visited our classrooms. They left us a message using symbols and even put some symbols in our writing area so that we could respond. We have been on alien hunts and have enjoyed talking about what the aliens look like. We have begun discussing similarities and differences between characters.


In Maths, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 10. Whilst learning this week's nursery rhyme, we have started to think about what happens when we take objects away.


During our afternoon learning, we have been thinking about how dark it is in Space and when it is dark here on Earth. We talked about what we helps us see in the dark and have discovered lots of different light sources. We have enjoyed playing with the torches!

Week 5


Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick...


This week, we have started our phonics lessons. We have learnt the sounds 'm', 'a' and 's'. We have also learnt two of our 'red' words; the and to.


In Maths, we have been learning all about the number 1. We have learnt to recognise and write the number 1. We thought about where we had seen the number one before. Some of the suggestions being; on a bus, on a clock, on a football shirt and on a birthday cake. We noticed that we can link numbers to shapes and have learnt all about circles. We now know that "a circle has one side." 


During our afternoon learning, we have been thinking about how to keep ourselves healthy. We know that it is important to keep ourselves clean, exercise regularly, eat lots of fruit and vegetables and get a good nights sleep. We have discussed our experiences of going to the doctors. Finally, we have reflected on how lucky we are to have enough food but know that not everyone is so we have learnt all about harvest festival and added our contributions to the whole school's contributions ready for them to be delivered to the Sleaford Larder. 

Week 6

Humpty Dumpty


This week, we have been looking at Humpty Dumpty. The children were very excited by the smashed egg crime scene that led onto this week's topic. We went on to study eggs in different states and also had the pleasure of looking at a giant ostrich egg! The children had much better suggestions though, of where it had come from, like a dinosaur or a dragon! We have enjoyed listening to the  rhyming words and have also been thinking of other rhyming words that go together.


They completed their first rainbow challenge this week, which is a task that should be completed independently. It was ordering the Humpty Dumpty rhyme and all of the children completed this, earning themselves a certificate.


We have been focusing on number 2 this week. The children can now confidently state that 2 is the same as 1 and another 1. We worked with partners adding two ones together and also then taking away 1 from 2. They could tell us what normally goes in twos, like eyes, hands and pairs of socks. They have been sorting the washing out, by putting the socks into matching pairs!


During our topic afternoons, the children decided that, to protect Humpty from hurting himself in the fall, we should wrap him up! They chose which material that they thought would be suitable and then had great fun rolling their eggs from wooden block walls. 


Many thanks again for your harvest donations. The children have enjoyed  adding them to the contributions from the rest of the school. We're sure that the Sleaford Larder will appreciate these items.

Week 7

Incy Wincy 


We have really enjoyed looking at everything to do with spiders this week! After we sang the rhyme and discussed the rhyming words, the children cut out the pictures and sequenced them.

During our topic work, we looked at different types of spiders and learnt some spider facts. We then had a class vote, to see who was scared of spiders and who wasn't.

The focus for our maths sessions has been number 3 and the children could confidently state that 3 is 2 and another 1, as well as recognising that 3 take away 1 was 2. This work also led on nicely to studying properties of a triangle and the  children discovered some everyday objects were triangular shaped.

Thursday was, of course, our Nursery Rhyme Day and the children looked amazing in their costumes. We carried out an experiment, to test which material would keep Incy Wincy dry. The children then made an umbrella using that material. We also decorated biscuits with a web design and then ate them.

Thank you to those parents who were able to attend the performance at the end of the day. We're sure that you will agree that the children sang beautifully!

A big thank you for all of your support this half term. We hope that the  children have a well deserved rest over the half term holiday.