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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Year 4



Welcome to Year 4!

Hello and welcome to our Year 4 page.

On here you will find information about our exciting learning, pictures of some of things we have been up to and lots of other useful information. 


The Year 4 Team

Mrs Bellaby - Teacher 4a

Mrs Duncan - Teacher 4b

Mrs Clawson - Teaching Assistant

Mr Bishop - 1:1/Intervention Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Dunham - 1:1 Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Pell- 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gibson - 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Clawson -  Teaching Assistant

Mrs Main - Science Teacher -4a

Mrs Eastwood - Science Teacher -4b


Learning Focus

Terms 1 and 2

This term we will be learning all about the ‘Iron Age’ in History and Rivers in Geography. Our English focus will be School but not as we know it…. and the Great Chocoplot! In Math we will focus on place value and the four operations.


Term 1 - We will be going to Wild Woodcraft to support our History focus of The Iron Age. However, due to the recent government guidelines, there is no further information currently, more information to follow.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and it is expected to be returned on the following Thursday.

We expect children to be reading every evening. Due to the Year 4 multiplication check Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) a minimum of on soundcheck is to be completed weekly.



Our PE days will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Please could you ensure that your child has the correct kit for this. Currently, children will need to attend school in their PE kits on the days they have PE.

Daily Mile

Children will be taking part in the daily mile. They will not need to bring in additional P.E kit for this and it will take place throughout the normal daily timetable.