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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School




English Coordinators - Mrs Smith and Mrs West
Governor: Denzil Shepheard


Our Intent


At St Botolph’s Primary School, we recognise the importance of English in supporting children in order for them to ‘Strive to be the best they can’. We understand that gaining and using skills in language not only affects a child’s progress in school but also forms effective communicators, ambitious writers, fluent readers and children that have the desire to learn. Our intent is that all of our pupils, irrelevant of their background or starting point, will be given the opportunity to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and written English within a broad and balanced curriculum and with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce skills that have been taught.


Please click on the links below for further information, policies, key documents and 'English in action'.

English in Action

English News


  • On the 5th September, the staff at St Botolph's had 'Read Write Inc training, led by a member of Ruth Miskin's team, to refresh and develop our phonic teaching skills. 

  • Those children who are learning the 'Read, Write Inc phonics programme receive 'Book Bag Books' as a reading scheme (new Sept 2022). These books will be based on texts read during the phonics sessions. There are some great new titles to share at home! 

  • Our spotlight is on reading. We have our monthly focus' and our celebrations for reading at the end of every month. Keep your eyes peeled for some of our reading events that are coming up. 



English Policies

Our English Scheme of Work,

written by us, for our children

Useful Documents:

Use Website Links: