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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Welcome to the History page!

The Intent


At St Botolph’s Primary School, we recognise the importance of History in supporting children to ‘Strive to be the best they can’. We understand that the History of our societies underpin the lives that our pupils live today and therefore, learning about the rich events of the past is important in their understanding of the values of these societies.


Our intent is that all of our pupils, irrelevant of their background or starting point, will be given the opportunity to develop a curiosity and inquisitiveness about life in the past in Britain and other places, leading to an understanding of past events and how they have influenced the present. It should help pupils to understand the complexity of our lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and the relationship between different groups. Our pupils will develop a sense of chronology and understand how they themselves fit into the framework of the past, present and future, thus developing a sense of their cultural heritage.


Sleaford is a small market town, near an RAF base. It is important that our pupils know the history of these and have a sense of the local heritage.


Our history topics are organised around a main Enquiry question, with lessons planned to lead towards the eventual answering of this question. These enquiries are designed to provoke curiosity and a thoughtful approach towards learning in our pupils and, as they progress, the ability to suggest and follow pertinent avenues of enquiry themselves.


History, at St. Botolph’s, is taught within a broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to revisit, consolidate and reinforce skills and knowledge that have been taught. It will equip children to ask questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement.



History Lead - Mrs L Valentine

History Governor - Mrs K West

Pupils exploring our 

History timeline. ðŸ˜Š