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St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School

Structure & Remit of the Governing Body



According to the Instrument of Government (St Botolph’s CE Primary School) (effective from 11 August 2015), the governing board is made up of fourteen governors, consisting of:- 


-               4 Parent Governors

-               1 LA Governor

-               1 Staff Governor

-               1 Headteacher

-               3 Foundation Governors

-               4 Co-Opted Governors

-               1 Head Teacher Governor - Executive Head Teacher (unless the executive head teachers resigns the office of governor)


The Governors are responsible for 3 core functions:


1.             Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2.             Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school, and

3.             Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its funding is well spent


The work of the Full Governing Body is supported by three committees which meet on a termly basis:-


-               Finance Committee – Chair Mr Mark Graves

-               Curriculum Committee – Chair Mr Ian Freeman

-               Health & Safety Committee – Chair Mrs Marissa Jones


What does the Governing Body Do?


Governors are responsible for a number of areas including attainment, finance, policies and procedures.  Their role involves working closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure children get the best possible education to enable them to reach their full potential, in an environment where they feel safe, valued and where learning is fun.


Their main functions are to:-

-               help set the aims and objectives for the school

-               help ensure the policies and procedures are relevant and achieve their objectives

-               set targets to monitor the progress of the school to ensure it is meeting its aims and objectives

-               be a critical friend to the school and provide a source of challenge and support


The Governing Body has 2 sub-committees: Finance and Curriculum.  Other working groups may be set up as and when needed to address or discuss particular issues or research a particular area and report back to the full governing body.


The overall purpose of the Finance Committee is to:-

-               formally approve the annual school budget at the start of each financial year

-               monitor purchasing and authorise purchases above a set amount

-               monitor income and expenditure at regular intervals

-               authorise staff pay rises in line with the school’s pay policy

-               audit accounts

-               agree the staffing structure with the Headteacher

-               responsible for the performance management of the Headteacher


The overall purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to:-
-               hold the school to account for the progress and achievement of all pupils and to ensure that monies received for

                disadvantaged pupils has a positive impact on their outcomes

-               carry out regular reviews of curriculum matters and initiatives within the school

-               ensure the curriculum meets statutory requirements

-               monitor and review the school’s assessment provision

-               monitor and review the school’s SEN policy taking into account legal requirements


The overall purpose of the Health & Safety Committee is to:-

-               adopt the H&S policy appropriate to the needs of the whole school

-               provide support and guidance for the Headteacher and staff, report any issues to PFI provider

-               inspect the building and grounds on termly basis

-               ensure the school complies with H&S regulations, seeking external advice if necessary

-               complete the Accessibility Plan in consultation with the PFI provider and Headteacher

-               to review and agree arrangements for school meals