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Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School


Computing Lead - Mrs C Atkinson
Governor - Mr J Lee

Computing at St Botolph’s CofE Primary School

The Intent

At St Botolph’s Primary School, we understand the importance of Computing being embraced and that pupils can access a high-quality computing curriculum which is rich, broad and balanced. We intend for our children to be equipped to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. We aim to model and educate our pupils to gain the life-skills to use new technology in a socially responsible and safe way to be successful.


At our school, we want our children to be competent and positive users of technology. We want to provide opportunities for children to build upon and practise these skills both in and out of school, equipping them for the rest of their education and future careers. We endeavour to show and guide children to use technology to support their learning, regardless of the subject.