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St Botolph's CofE Primary School home page

Welcome to

St Botolph's Church of
England Primary School



RSE Co-ordinator: Mrs Main 

RSE Governor: Mrs R Fox



Our Intent

We believe at St Botolph’s Primary School that the teaching of Relationships, Sex and Health Education is paramount for each and every child to enable them to have the building blocks to become successful adults ‘striving to be the best they can’. We want our children to be able to make informed decisions about their own health, relationships and wellbeing and know when and where to access support when it is needed. Our intent is that all pupils, regardless of their background or starting point, will be given the opportunity to talk about and discuss their feelings, relationships with others, their mental health, how to keep safe in the modern world and will be given opportunities to reinforce and build upon skills that have been taught.




PSHE Co-ordinator: Miss Arthur  

RSE Governor: Mrs R Fox

Our Intent


Our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education curriculum will equip all pupils at St Botolph’s with the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives. We want our children to be informed, active and responsible citizens who can thrive in the ever-changing world that is developing around them. Children’s health, well-being, happiness and safety are our first priority at St Botolph’s and our PSHE curriculum is the key vehicle through which we teach, share and promote the value of this with our children. Our PSHE curriculum ensures that we develop the whole child.


Parent Packs 


Below are some packs to inform you of what will be taught throughout each year group regarding RSE. You will be able to see the new vocabulary that will be introduced and what topics will be covered. 

Useful Links